Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Picky Child + Food Allergy + Peanut Ban at School = Frustration

Many parents and even teachers ask me what to do about kids that only want to eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches at lunch? It poses a problem for the kids that have severe food allergy especially to peanuts. Read on for some suggestions...

Do you let your child cook with you in the kitchen? If not, start letting them help you. Now I'm not saying let your 5yr old handle a butcher knife! Let them crack an egg, stir whatever's in a bowl, help make meatballs or burgers. It instills confidence and boosts self esteem. It's a bonding moment too. The chances are higher that they will eat healthier because they helped prepare the meal. That being said, explain to your child in a nice way that they can't have pb&j at school anymore because it can get a few of their friends really sick. Allow them to have pb&j as an after school snack (on whole grain bread of course!) You are teaching your child empathy and sympathy at the same time. Of course use age appropriate language. Kids are alot smarter than you think.

Here are some suggestions:
Let your kids pick out healthy items at the store. Give choices. Believe it or not kids like choices. Let's them feel grown up. Usually between two things will do; for example: give your child the choice of organic turkey meat or low fat ham. Next, let them pick a fruit they would want. Do your kids like yogurt? Let them pick out their favorite kind. Do your kids like carrots, celery, cucumbers and/or peppers? If so, great! Pack a wholesome dip like yogurt ranch or hummus. If your child won't eat a sandwich other than pb&j, pack a thermos of mac & cheese, spaghetti from the night before, or soup. Let them help you make chicken fingers the night before and pack the leftovers for lunch. Wraps are great too. Let them help you fill it and wrap it up!

Lunchables....Nooooo!!! Make your own version. Let your child pick out the crackers (give them a choice of whole grain crackers) cut up cheese, and cut up fresh turkey or chicken breast (leftovers are fine). Put it in a container and oila! Homemade lunchables. Try to stay away from processed lunch meats if you can. Get snack baggies and let your kids put in their favorite snacks for the week whether it's pretzels, Goldfish crackers or animal crackers. Label them for each day of the week. If the kids can write, let them do it. Again, you are building self esteem and confidence!

See the theme here? Give your kids choices and pack healthy lunches at the same time. You are getting them involved. It won't be such a struggle. If you overcame this struggle, what worked for you and your kids?

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