Thursday, May 19, 2011

Struggles and Meditation..Huh?

So much on my mind! Do you have days like that? In all, today was a good day. I am struggling with some things, namely people. Why do people say one thing and then do another? Why is there so much judgement? Why do some people have to hide who they truly are? Why do we as a society allow untruths to go unspoken? Why don't many people live in truth? Afterall, the truth will set you free! I know, so many questions. Believe me, I have alot more! But I will just ask these for now..

I'm 39yrs old. I turn 40 in December. I am choosing to live my life as free as I can; living in my most authentic self. How do you do that you might ask... I meditate daily. It's a must! I'm not that great at it yet, but by practicing every day I get a little bit better. I need to because I have two children and two businesses that I am building. Crazy life! I realize I can't answer all of the questions above. I guess only God/Universe can answer them. I do feel that if more people would try meditation, there would be a lot less crap going on! I eat right, exercise, and meditate. What do you do to handle all of your questions, struggles or chatter in your mind?

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