Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Good Evening,
I hope you are having a wonderful day/evening! Well, as you may have noticed a few months have gone by since my last post. I write and do research most of my day, in addition to seeing my fabulous clients, why do I want to blog? I am going to use this forum to talk about things on my mind. I decided this will be a different departure from what I post on Twitter or Facebook. I will probably throw some nutrition and wellness info in there! I am in the wellness biz afterall...

There is so much going on and so much to talk about.. Where shall I begin??? I will begin with Arnold Schwarzenegger. What a prick! While I don't know the man personally, he has always come across as a smug ass. Now he has hurt his wife and children. If you feel the need to stray why be married.. Not only is your life a mess you also left California in a financial mess too!

Another thing bothering me is the mom who injected her 8yr old daughter with botox. Apparently she isn't the only pageant mom doing this. The daughter got taken away while the investigation is going on. What about the people that are in charge of the pageants? Where is their accountability? Why are little girls being forced to wear wigs, fake teeth called flippers, etc. There goes those little girl's sense of reality, self esteem, and self confidence. All because mom's and dad's are living vicariously through their children. When does it stop?

On a positive note.. I need to make a recommendation. I made cornbread tonight to be eaten with turkey chili. Came out fantastic by the way! Anyway, my recommendation is for you to try The Gluten Free Pantry's Cornbread mix! Not only is it delicious, you know exactly what each ingredient is in the prepackaged mix and the addins you provide to complete the recipe. Yes, I take help from the grocery store any way I can. It feels like scratch made! Enjoy!

So, those are my thoughts of the day. Stay tuned tomorrow to see what has me thinking!

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