Friday, June 10, 2011

Follow My Blog!

Hello and Welcome to my blog!

I will be sharing my thoughts on everything from food, wellness, stress, meditation, sex and more! Why not come along for this fun ride I call life! I will hopefully be entertaining, informative, and resourceful. I will make you think...

Enjoy your weekend!


Sunday, June 5, 2011

Lisa Drew Wellness - Shakeology

Lisa Drew Wellness - Shakeology


Happy Sunday everyone! I wanted to write about fitness and how important it is. What do you do to stay fit? Do you do anything at all? Are you lacking in motivation? When you think of fitness do you think skinny or do you think healthy and in shape?

Fitness needs to be a part of your daily routine. Walking, running, swimming, biking, aerobic classes and weight lifting are all types of fitness that should be incorporated into daily living. The most common excuse I hear is "I don't have time!" Yes you do! It is vital that you make an appointment with yourself daily and do not miss it. Just like you would for a business meeting... Some ideas are going to bed earlier so you can get up a half hour earlier. Getting your workout in first thing in the morning is best because then it's out of the way and gives you energy for the day! Lay out your clothes the night before so they are ready to go. Have a dog? Get up early and take the dog(s) for a walk/run. They need the exercise too! Another thing to do is buddy up.. Set up workout appointments with your best friend, neighbor, etc. Hold each other accountable. Another option is to join my site and become a Basic Member for Free! All members get access to the WOWY SuperGym®, their own personal Team Beachbody Coach...ME!, workout buddies to keep them motivated and inspired, weekly newsletters, and community Message Boards. Now there is no excuse! Start your fitness program today.. I am here for you!
