Friday, September 30, 2011

October Awareness Month

Can you believe tomorrow is the first day of October? October is a big month for awareness. The biggest being Breast Cancer Awareness and the other Domestic Violence Awareness. Both causes are important to me along with many other people.

We are all touched by someone that has or had cancer; especially breast cancer. I know and have known to many people that have cancer, are in remission from cancer, or died from cancer. Some very close to me, others acquaintances. I am hopeful that we will have a cure. But, part of me is skeptical because I, along with many people believe our government, insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies do not want a cure to be found. I know that is a bold statement. There is big business being made off of people's illnesses, diseases, etc. It's a vicious circle. When will it stop? When we take a stand! We need to start holding people, companies, and our government accountable. Each one of us has a voice...use it! You need to be your own best advocate! Know your body..Be heard and get involved. Most importantly, take care of yourself in mind, body and spirit.

Domestic Abuse/Violence touches me personally because I am a victim and current survivor. I will not say much about my situation right now. I am doing everything I can to protect myself and my children. Why am I telling you this, because I am putting a face to it. I am not ashamed anymore. I am taking my power back and hoping to help other women get their power back too! Domestic Abuse/Violence crosses all social status'; ranging from the garbage collector to the surgeon. It doesn't recognize race, creed, religion, etc. Yes, men too but in a smaller percentage. People say, "Why don't you just get out?" or "Why did you let that happen?" There are so many different answers to that which is different for everyone. The physical scars go away but the mental scars last a lifetime! If you or someone you know is in danger, there is help out there. Here in the Lehigh Valley, it's Turning Point of the Lehigh Valley. Tomorrow, October 1st, is the Step Out Against Domestic Violence 5k Walk/Run. If you have time, please stop by and support such a great organization. Info can be found at I wish you love, happiness, wealth and peace!

October is also National Disability Month, Healthy Lung Month, National Lupus Awareness Month, Health Literacy Month, National Down Syndrome Awareness Month, National Liver Awareness Month, Sudden Infant Death (SIDS) Awareness Month, National Spina Bifida Month and National Brain Injury Month.

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