Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Why am I writing about power? If you live in the Lehigh Valley, PA most of us experienced a few hours, to one day to well a still ongoing power outage that stemmed from a freak snow storm on Saturday, October 28th. I lost power at 1241p that day and didn't get it back until 730ish Monday night. There are still alot of people without power. Crews are working hard around the clock. Some crews came from far and wide. We thank you! I have to admit I had some mental and emotional breakdowns over those few days! It's even harder when you are a single mom of two children. Well, a teenager and a ten year old! I know I can live without cable (really hard though as I love TV!). It was really hard not having my computer working or my iPhone not having service. I, along with many people have come to rely on our modern day technology and conveniences! I thank God for them! I'm glad I live in this era and not Little House on the Prairie! I do think there should be big leaps and strides in people converting to solar energy. I think by doing that we won't need to worry as much in a storm. My dad's theory is that big corporations; especially the energy and oil industries are lobbying against it and winning. Ahhh, big industry...

Why am I writing about all of this? Well, power isn't just electricity. You have power in your life; through the choices YOU make, how YOU decide YOU want to live YOUR life and the people YOU decide to surround yourself with! You have the power within to live in a positive and healthy lifestyle. Truly focusing and surrounding yourself with positive in your life brings you an abundance of goodness. If you focus on the negative that's what you breed, more negative. Stress levels and blood pressures rise, depression can set in, plus a whole host of other not so great things happen physically, monetarily, and metaphysically. So do yourself a favor and start each day being grateful, put a smile on your face and think positive thoughts. If a negative thought creeps in replace it immediately with a postive one. What makes you happy? As Vincent VanGogh once said, "I dream my painting. Then I paint my dream!" Are you painting your dream?

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