Monday, August 15, 2011

What's the Answer to Weight Loss?

So, I get asked the following all of the time: "Can you design a weightloss menu for me?" Well, of course I can I'm a certified nutritionist. But, you need to ask yourself, "Self, what makes this time different?"

Do you know why you eat the way you do? Are you an emotional eater? Do you eat out of stress, boredom, anger, sadness, or just because? What's your relationship with food and for that matter yourself? Yes, these are just some of the questions I ask you and prepare you for. Life is a journey. It's a process. A never ending learning and changing process. So here it is, The Answer to Weightloss: It comes down to you and facing yourself .. the good, the bad, the ugly. Once you do that, your life will forever be changed for the better. Are you happy with who you are? If the answer is truly yes, Awesome! If it's no, then what are YOU going to do to change it? You only have you. It doesn't matter how much family you have. It doesn't matter how many friends you have either. Because in the end, if you don't like yourself or love yourself, how can you truly like or love another? The bottom line is you have to eat healthy, exercise and learn to love yourself.

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