Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Success Can Be Yours!

Why do people wait for the New Year to start over? Why wait? Why keep making excuses for your life? It’s time to wake up!!!! You aren’t guaranteed next year, next month, next week or tomorrow for that matter! What is a person to do? Here’s a start: 

Wake up each morning grateful to be alive! Take some deep breaths and start your day!

Exercise first thing in the morning, that way it’s out of the way and you won’t make excuses later on to not work out! 

Limit yourself to one; no more than two cups of coffee. Be mindful of what you put in it. Not all creamers are good for you! 

Eat healthy 85-90% of the time starting with breakfast daily. Yes, breakfast is the most important meal of the day! 

Eat every 3hrs or so. It keeps your metabolism going, keeps your energy levels up and regulates your blood sugars! 

Eat with the seasons! 

Stop eating when full. Don’t eat when bored, stressed, or angry. Get in touch with your emotions. Write in a journal. 

Try meditation. It helps reduce stress. Start with two minutes and work your way to 15minutes. It’s quite calming. 

Make sure you sleep! Each individual body is different. Try to get 6-8hrs if you can. Need a new mattress? If it’s been 10yrs since your last purchase, it’s time for a new one!

Those are just some of the things to do for health. Don’t wait another day to start getting healthy! So what if you had a burger, fries and a beer. You get to make a choice of making the next meal a healthy one! YOU make the CHOICES! Planning and preparation is the key to living a healthy lifestyle. You have to stop making excuses. Start living your life in a healthy way and you will have success in life! Don’t overhaul at once. Small changes add up! You can do this!

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