Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year Better Healthier You?

So, here we are. It's January 3rd, 2011. Did you make any New Year's Resolutions? Do you think you broke them already? If so, don't give up. My goodness it's only the third day! Cut yourself a break. Afterall, Rome wasn't built in a day! Habits take 2-3 weeks to create. By taking small steps and creating small achievable goals you will be ok. Those healthy habits will become a permanent part of your life!

Write down the things you want to change about yourself big and small. Some examples might be: weight loss, order out less and cook more at home, organize, declutter, exercise, quit smoking, etc. Don't try to tackle your list all at once. It's to much, you will get discouraged and give up. That's not going to happen this year! Organize your list-most important being first. Then make a small achievable plan to achieve that goal. Yes, changing yourself for the better takes work. Are you committed to you? Be honest with that answer! If you aren't committed to yourself then you might as well give up now. If you aren't good to yourself in mind, body and soul; how do you expect to be any good to anyone else? 

Some tips for success:
  • Get yourself a dayplanner or use your phone calendar and schedule an appointment for yourself.
  • Create a To Do List daily. Prioritize it. Whatever doesn't get done, okay. Tomorrow is a new day.
  • Take a minimum of 5 minutes daily to meditate. Nice thing is meditating can be done anywhere. Simply find a quiet space, close your eyes, take deep breathes and clear your mind. Once you get in this habit, get some guided meditation cd's or go to a guided meditation class.
  • Never, ever, reward yourself with food! Whether weight loss is an issue for you or not. This is just a good rule in general. Treat yourself to something special instead, ex. mani/pedi, hot bath, movie, new outfit, round of golf. You get the idea.
This is the year you will succeed! You are on your way to a healthy lifestyle that you've been wanting for years. I believe in you! Now it's time to believe in yourself!

Contact me for additional guidance:

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